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Sunday 23 July 2017


this iz just 2 funny....HERE IS THE JOKE :::::::::::

2 detectives trained in spotting clues go on a camping trip. They set up their tent in è woods & fall asleep. Some hrs later è detective wakes up & says 2 hs friend "look @ è sky & tell
me what u see." The 2nd replies "l see a million stars." 1st detective says "what does that tell u?" 2nd guy says "astronomically it tells me there r millions of galaxies & potentially billions of planets. Astrologically it tells me Libra is in Leo. Timewise it appears 2 be a quater past 3. Theologically, it is evident è Lord is all powerful & we r small & insignificant. Meteorologically it seems we'll hv a beautiful day 2morow. What does it tell u?" the 1st detective says "u idiot, it tells me someone hs stolen our tent!" 


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